Radio Galaxy Zoo Talk

"spacebar" = "n" is in Keyboard Shortcuts ?

  • sisifolibre by sisifolibre

    It's a simple (may be silly) question easy to answer, but i'm not too much sure about this.

    when I don´t find an infrared source to a contour (or contours) and want to go the next step, is the same to pulse "spacebar" or "n"?

    if I have not explained well, the result is the same in the two cases?:

    1 In the image set I see a radio contour, click on the contour, pulse spacebar, don't see any associated infrared source, I pulse "spacebar", then pulse spadebar two times to finish.

    2 In the image set I see a radio contour, click on the contour, pulse spacebar, don't see any associated infrared source, I pulse "n", then pulse spadebar two times to finish.

    I guess it's the same but not quite understand then why put another shortcut in "n".


  • ivywong by ivywong scientist, admin

    Hi @sisifolibre,

    Yes, the space-bar and "n" does similar things in the case of a radio source with no infrared counterpart. However, it's not exactly the same thing. It is better to use "n" for the case where there isn't a radio source or when there isn't an infrared counterpart rather than spacebar because pressing the "n" key specifically tells us that there is no counterpart whereas the space-bar tells us that you have skipped a step.

    Hope this helps,

    Keyboard Shortcuts
    Space: Next Step
    Shift+Space: Prev Step
    c: Toggle Contours
    t: Start Tutorial
    r: Toggle Wavelength
    n: Mark No Contours/No Infrared


  • sisifolibre by sisifolibre

    Thanks, this was exactly what I wanted to know.
