Radio Galaxy Zoo Talk

Responses to Comments

  • Gweilouk by Gweilouk

    Is there an easy way to see responses to comments you may have posted, or could a responses tab be included? It's always possible it's there and I'm just missing it.


  • Dolorous_Edd by Dolorous_Edd

    No, I don't think so , not in the current version of Talk

    In Talk v3 they do have such notifications


  • Gweilouk by Gweilouk

    I saw them in Pulsar Hunters and wondered if it could be done here. I was being selfish as I'm learning what I'm looking at and the responses I've had so far are helping clarify things 😃


  • Dolorous_Edd by Dolorous_Edd

    wondered if it could be done here

    IMO won't happen here, right now. I imagine they will concentrate on the new platform rather than doing something with
    this one

    Perhaps the next iteration of the project will be build on the new platform and will have notification

    just personal opinion


  • Gweilouk by Gweilouk

    Is there a new platform coming?


  • Dolorous_Edd by Dolorous_Edd in response to Gweilouk's comment.

    In general, yes, you can see it in Pulsar Hunters

    Regarding this project, dunno, maybe after they finish current data set they will migrate on it


  • Gweilouk by Gweilouk

    I better get classifying faster to help that process along 😃


  • ivywong by ivywong scientist, admin

    Thanks @Gweilouk and @Dolorous_Edd. We're halfway through our project so I'm not sure if we're migrating over. I will try to find out. I do agree that this RadioTalk forum can be improved...
