Radio Galaxy Zoo Talk

one half of a jet, rest overedge?

  • WizardHowl by WizardHowl

    The radio emission at the bottom of the image looks a lot like a #jet #plume from a source #overedge as it also seems to show a strong 'beam path' (I don't know the proper term for this) that connects with a bright area of radio emission, whilst there is no IR counterpart.


  • DocR by DocR scientist

    This is the top half of another very large radio galaxy - almost a "giant". The southern half is off the screen. The bright IR source with two radio contours on it is the ID. It is quite far away (photoz=0.69, SDSS), and the total size is then 780 kiloparsec (2.5 million light years). Another one that gives people headaches trying to figure out how the black hole shoots material out that far and still have it shine in the radio. Thanks again, WiardHowl !
