Radio Galaxy Zoo Talk

ARG0000jzh - overedge source looks huge in NVSS, diffuse in FIRST, host is disk?

  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Copied from the Suggestions for RGZ Objects to show with detailed FIRST contours overlaid on SDSS images thread, started by WizardHowl.

    [WizardHowl] the first in the list is the one I would be most curious to see, personally, although the FIRST signal is really faint): overedge source looks huge in NVSS, diffuse in FIRST, host is disk?

    It's certainly a complex (set of) source(s)! 😮 But, sadly, it seems the disk galaxy is a mere onlooker 😦

    It seems there's a doublelobe in the center (host is ...?), and on the E a faint triple, whose host is in the center of the central FIRST contours.

    enter image description here

    <enter image description here>

    Boilerplate: SDSS image per, FIRST and NVSS contours derived from FITS files produced using SkyView with Python code described in this RGZ Talk thread. Image center per the ARG image (left; J2000).


  • WizardHowl by WizardHowl in response to JeanTate's comment.

    There doesn't seem to be either an optical or IR counterpart to the radio core for the E triple, so the host is likely Z>0.8? This would be a #giant candidate if so. Really helpful overlay, nice work again!
