Radio Galaxy Zoo Talk

ARG0003mpf - SDRAGN! green! voorwerpje (EELR)! wat! Hybrid?

  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    SDSS J132318.81+030807.1, was posted by super-zooite c_cld, in the GZ forum Radio source thread, on March 08, 2014. Yes, it's a #doublelobe, or perhaps a #triple. And a #wat? Possibly a #hybrid. It's also #green, and has what is likely an extended emission line regions, (i.e. it's a voorwerpje). SDRAGN candidate? Sure, but perhaps not an obvious, classical spiral. Spectroscopically it's a broadline AGN/QSO.

    enter image description here
    enter image description here

    It hasn't yet been presented for classification, as far as I can tell*; I was able to 'reverse engineer' its ARG ID from it's (RA, Dec).

    The image in this post was created from sources, and using methods, described in this RGZ Talk post. The object at the center of the image is SDSS J132318.81+030807.1.

    *such a spectacular object would certainly merit at least a comment, no?
