Radio Galaxy Zoo Talk

ARG00009m2 A VERY GREEN RADIO SOURCE? A star or galaxy?

  • A1001 by A1001

    SDSS J112920.69+564012.8 star or galaxy? NVSS J112920+563949 -- Radio-source

    enter image description here


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to A1001's comment.

    I think the proximity of the bright green star is a cosmic chance alignment; I think the host of the faint radio emission is a galaxy far in the background, whose light is drowned out by the green (foreground) star. In fact, there are several faint galaxies nearby, perhaps some are members of a galaxy cluster, with the host of the radio emission also being a member of that cluster? Only a much deeper optical image, and one with higher resolution, could tell ...
