Radio Galaxy Zoo Talk

ARG00018wc Is it 2 galaxies at same location North? What is the cause of the South radio contour?

  • A1001 by A1001

    North SDSS J153739.91+382122.2 & SDSS J153739.95+382123.6 7 South contour from what?

    enter image description here


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to A1001's comment.

    The automated SDSS photometric pipeline sometimes has difficulty with galaxies with dust lanes ... in this case the lower (S) photometric object corresponds to the galaxy's nucleus, and it's a spectroscopic object too (the N object is an artifact).

    The radio source to the SSE is #elongated, perhaps it's a #corejet or an almost-#hourglass? The host is, I think, zph 0.470±0.045 SDSS J153741.46+382051.2:

    enter image description here


  • ivywong by ivywong scientist, admin

    I too suspect that the 2 radio components belong to 2 different radio galaxies.
