Radio Galaxy Zoo Talk

ARG0001ald, doublelobe, diffuse First emissions real or artefacts?

  • ChrisMolloy by ChrisMolloy

    Here's ARG0001ald, which appears to be a #doublelobe, with apparent #diffuse First & NVSS emission to the north west, north, north east, east and south. This ARG field is cross referenced in the ARG0001ald SDSS J105254.49+373143.8 & SDSS J105254.40+373146.4 THE RADIO SOURCES post.

    enter image description here

    The contour overlay image in this post was created from sources, and using methods, described in this RGZ Talk
    First in red, NVSS cyan.

    The host for the #doublelobe centre appears to be SDSS J105254.49+373143.8, an elliptical galaxy with a z_sp=0.215 +/-0.00004. There is an NVSS radio references for this galaxy in NED, and an ALLWISE reference, ALLWISE J105254.48+373144.0.

    SDSS J105254.49+373143.8

    enter image description here

    Interestingly, there are radio references in NED and possibly Simbad for SDSS J105254.56+373130.7, which has a z_ph=0.097 ± 0.1071. This galaxy is just south of the #doublelobes.

    SDSS J105254.56+373130.7

    enter image description here

    And there is a radio reference in NED for SDSS J105254.40+373146.4 which is listed as a star, and is ever so slightly NW of SDSS J105254.49+373143.8. No redshift is listed.

    SDSS J105254.40+373146.4

    enter image description here

    In the ARG0001ald SDSS J105254.49+373143.8 & SDSS J105254.40+373146.4 THE RADIO SOURCES post the following comment was made on this ARG field.

    There's a below-threshold diffuse cloud to the S of the host, and what may be a diffuse #double to the NW (visible in the FIRST cutout). However, NVSS doesn't seem to 'see' either:

    Here's the First cutout.

    enter image description here

    Regarding the #diffuse First cloud like emission to the south of the #doublelobes, there is an object on the east edge of the west lobe, SDSS J105253.61+373046.3. This galaxy has a z_ph=0.387 ± 0.0670, but no radio references in NED or Simbad, but it does have an ALLWISE reference, ALLWISE J105253.59+373046.6. This emission does not appear to be visible in NVSS.

    SDSS J105253.61+373046.3

    enter image description here

    And to the east of this object, there is an ALLWISE reference centred on the east lobe of the First cloud like emission, ALLWISE J105254.90+373047.0. There doesn't appear to be a photometric object listed with this ALLWISE reference.

    Finally, here's a First TGSS contour overlay. The #diffuse First emission to the south does not seem to be related to the TGSS emissions, and SDSS J105253.61+373046.3 is on the edge of this emission. There does appear to be diffuse NVSS (above contour) and TGSS emission to the NW, but it's hard to ascertain from the above and below contour images whether there is a First #doublelobe emission visible or not, and whether these First emissions are just #artefacts.

    enter image description here

    The contour overlay image in this post was created from sources, and using methods, described in this RGZ Talk
    First in red, TGSS white.

    As always, comments, suggestions, welcome.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Really complex! 😃

    It seems that the FIRST diffuse emission is an artifact, as it doesn't show up in either NVSS or TGSS. However, both NVSS and TGSS seem to show some more distant, somewhat diffuse radio emission, so perhaps this is a #restarted source?


  • ChrisMolloy by ChrisMolloy in response to JeanTate's comment.

    both NVSS and TGSS seem to show some more distant, somewhat diffuse radio emission, so perhaps this is a #restarted source?

    Possibly, yes. Definitely an interesting ARG field.
