Radio Galaxy Zoo Talk

ARG00010t5, SDRAGN candidate?

  • ChrisMolloy by ChrisMolloy

    Here's ARG00010t5, which appears to be a #doublelobe. The contour overlay is centred on SDSS J135009.70+423022.0, which is slightly NW of the ARG coordinates listed left.

    enter image description here

    The contour overlay image in this post was created from sources, and using methods, described in this RGZ Talk
    First in red.

    The host for this emission appears to be SDSS J135009.70+423022.0, possibly a #green, #disk galaxy, which has a z_ph=0.481 ± 0.1146. This object has radio references in NED and possibly Simbad, and a possible ALLWISE reference, ALLWISE J135009.65+423019.2. The latter reference is slightly SW of this galaxy, as is the Simbad reference.

    SDSS J135009.70+423022.0

    enter image description here

    As for this object being a #disk galaxy and an #SDRAGN candidate, it has a fracDev_g, _r, of 0, and 0; and an expAB_g of 0.186 and expAB_r of 0.307 respectively. For c, the inverse concentration index, it has a figure of 0.395 for the g band and 0.394 for the r band. On the above parameters, possibly a disk galaxy, and an #SDRAGN candidate.

    Enlarged image SDSS J135009.70+423022.0

    enter image description here

    As always, comments, suggestions, welcome.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to ChrisMolloy's comment.

    Very cool! 😃

    Definitely a #SDRAGN candidate!
