Radio Galaxy Zoo Talk

ARG0001ipn, overlapping emission and possible ifrs compact lobe

  • ChrisMolloy by ChrisMolloy

    Here's ARG0001ipn, which appears to be #overlapping emissions SE, with a #compact lobe to the NW.

    enter image description here

    The contour overlay image in this post was created from sources, and using methods, described in this RGZ Talk
    First in red.

    Regarding the #overlapping emissions centre and SE, there are radio references in NED for SDSS J083656.53+333254.5, which is positioned on the western edge of the core of the NW lobe. This object has a z_ph=0.196 ± 0.0386, and an ALLWISE reference, ALLWISE J083656.54+333254.9.

    SDSS J083656.53+333254.5

    enter image description here

    However, in the centre of this emission, near the eastern edge, there are radio references in NED for SDSS J083658.17+333240.6, which is listed as a #star. This object has an ALLWISE reference, ALLWISE J083658.19+333239.4. There is also a radio reference in SIMBAD which is positioned slightly west of SDSS J083658.17+333240.6, almost in the centre of this emission. Some of these references are the same as those cited for SDSS J083658.17+333240.6 in NED.

    SDSS J083658.17+333240.6

    enter image description here

    There is also a radio reference in NED for a SDSS DR9 object, SDSS J083658.88+333224.0, which is listed as a #star. This object is positioned near the centre of the SE core lobe.

    SDSS J083658.88+333224.0

    enter image description here

    The compact lobe to the NW doesn't appear to have any photometric object listed at this position, nor is there an ALLWISE reference. However there is a SIMBAD Radio citation positioned directly where the First lobe is located. It's hard to determine whether this lobe is related to the SE emission. Possibly, an #ifrs #compact lobe.

    Finally, there is always the possibility the emissions to the SE are #overlapping #headtail lobes.

    It doesn't appear that this ARG field has been imaged in VLASS as yet.

    As always, comments, suggestions, welcome.
