Radio Galaxy Zoo Talk

ARG00021ed: OK to describe the radio morphology as #corelobe?

  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    The radio source in the center of this field seems to have an #hourglass morphology, judging solely by its radio signature.

    However, the upper (NW) "lobe" seems to coincide with an IR source (but not, perhaps, an optical one?).

    Yet this is clearly not a #corejet, the lower (SE) "lobe" is truly a lobe, not a jet.

    Perhaps this is an #asymmetric #triple, with the NW lobe invisible in FIRST?

    Or a truly #1-sided #lobe?

    In any case, is it reasonable to describe the radio morphology as #corelobe?


  • ChrisMolloy by ChrisMolloy

    Here's ARG00021ed, which appears to be an #hourglass.

    enter image description here

    The contour overlay image in this post was created from sources, and using methods, described in this RGZ Talk

    There is a possible host for the emission in DR7, which is centred on the NW lobe, and lists First flux emissions, SDSS J162638.88+245406.8. This galaxy, whilst very faint, has a z_ph=0.624 +/-0.193, and an ALLWISE reference, ALLWISE J162638.87+245406.7, which appears to be centred on or very near SDSS J162638.88+245406.8. There doesn't appear to be any other radio references for this galaxy.

    SDSS J162638.88+245406.8

    enter image description here

    And here's the Aldadin overlay, with the ALLWISE reference highlighted in white.

    enter image description here

    With regards to the above comments that this emission is a #corejet, an #asymmetric #triple, with the NW lobe invisible in FIRST; a #1-sided #lobe, or a #corelobe, others might have a better view on this. It could also be two #compact sources, which are closely aligned, with the SE host invisible.

    As always, comments, suggestions, welcome.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Looks like deeper imaging - radio, IR, optical - would be needed to ascertain the nature of this radio source.

    If it turns out to be an #hourglass, with the core ~in the center of the saddle, would it be an #IFRS?
