Radio Galaxy Zoo Talk

wide overedge triple or just one lobe?

  • WizardHowl by WizardHowl

    This looks like the top-left radio emission is connected to that in the centre by a jet, although the explanation in the comment is also possible. If these sources of radio emission are related, there should also be another lobe below, albeit just out of sight of this field of view (unfortunately I do not see the FIRST ID or buttons to check).


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to WizardHowl's comment.

    Here's the FIRST image:

    enter image description here

    From this, it looks like the upper radio source may be an artifact, at the junction of two artifact-lines. On the other hand, the NVSS image seems to suggest a triple, perhaps a bent jet (plus a bright, unrelated source):

    enter image description here

    The core is SDSS J081111.52+284750.4, a z=0.270 normal-looking elliptical:

    enter image description here


  • WizardHowl by WizardHowl in response to JeanTate's comment.

    Thanks for tracking this down.
    The NVSS is more sensitive to diffuse emission, so this would seem to be a triple that is slightly bent.
    The bright emission looks like it might be the nearly edge-on spiral to the lower right of the elliptical which has a redshift of ~0.1 to 0.12 (SDSS J081110.21+284740.7), so they are indeed not related.
