Radio Galaxy Zoo Talk

January 21, 2014

  • 42jkb by 42jkb scientist, admin

    -----Original Message-----
    From: "Julie at Radio Galaxy Zoo" [team@ZOONIVERSE.ORG]
    Date: 01/21/2014 12:43 PM
    Subject: Radio Galaxy Zoo - Update

    It has been four weeks since we launched our Zooniverse project hunting
    for supermassive black holes. Everything is progressing smoothly and I want

    to thank everyone for getting involved and pointing out all the interesting radio

    sources for follow-up.

    We already have over 350,000 classifications and 2,300 volunteers, exceeding my expectations! We have retired almost 8,000 sources. To put this into perspective, that is my whole PhD thesis 200 times over in just four weeks. Unbelievable!

    We have made some changes to our Talk page with suggestions from you. Now you can browse other surveys to look at a larger area around the radio source. Many of you are noticing that these radio sources are much larger than the image we provide on; a quick glance at these other surveys can provide much more information on the radio source.

    We have made some unexpected discoveries thus far. One of our citizen scientists, Dolorous Edd, compared our image of a particularly interesting Wide-Angle Tail (WAT) radio source to an image in the NVSS and found a larger associated structure within the field. Two of our scientists, Professors Larry Rudnick and Heinz Andernach, jumped at the chance to investigate this object further. They are in the process of getting information on the redshift and environment of this WAT. A truly remarkable find.

    I am sure that we have just begun to scratch the surface of the potential of Radio

    Galaxy Zoo. I am excited at the prospect of all the unexpected objects we will


    Keep up-to-date with all news from this project and more by following us on Facebook and Twitter.

    Keep up the great hunting at!

    Thank you,

    Dr Julie Banfield and the Zooniverse Team

    PS: If you would like to help the Zooniverse test one of our awesome new space projects, please email with solar beta as the subject.

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